The ESBE project involves Oulu University of Applied Sciences, Luleå University of Technology and Umeå University of Applied Sciences. The aim is to raise awareness of the environmental impacts of construction, carbon footprint calculation, life cycle assessments and life cycle assessment (LCA) tools. Public sector actors, businesses and builders in the Northern Territory are a key target group.
The ESBE – Enhanced Sustainability of Built Environment by Collaboration and Digitalization project will run from 15 October 2020 to 30 September 2022. Total project budget 478,050 €. The EU is funding the project €310,732. The Lapland Federation has financed the project for €40,110.
The aim of the project is to increase public sector and construction operators’ knowledge of digital methods that improve the quality of environmental impact and life cycle assessments during the planning phase of new construction and property maintenance. The ESBE project examines and tests different tools and methods by comparing practices in different countries and involveing actors in the sector. The aim is also to support sustainable and green growth in the built environment and to report on the current state of carbon footprint computing, lifecycle assessments and digital Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) tools.
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